Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Good Gobble Gobble

Erick was home for Thanksgiving and it was great to have the whole family together. One of Ridgefield's Thanksgiving weekend traditions is the lighting of the trees on Main Street. This year the honorary tree lighters were Ridgefields Active Duty service members. Erick and 4 other marines dressed in their dress blue uniforms stood on the steps of town hall and lit the tree. They all looked very handsome. There was an article with a picture in The Danbury News Times, unfortunately you can't see Erick in the picture, but his name is mentioned in the article.

News Times Article About Tree Lighting

He'll be home for Christmas too! We aren't sure what the next stop is. Erick's company, Charlie Company based out of ___?? CT (I can't remember the name of the town) is heading to California for desert training on December 1st, but Erick will still be in Basic Training then. So we don't where or what Erick will be doing after Basic Training. I'll let you know as soon as I know.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Erick Got Leave for TURKEY DAY!!

Erick will be home for Thanksgiving and we are all SOOO excited! We didn't originally think he'd be able to make it. He called mom and dad on Sunday and said he wasn't allowed to be on the phone, so just quickly said he booked a flight that leaves NC at 1:30 tomorrow (11/23). He's worried b/c his leave doesn't start until noon and the airport is 30 minutes away. He'll be landing at XX airport at XX time, so hopefully he'll call again en route so we know where and when to pick him up. Otherwise I guess we'll have one car at Laguardia, one at JFK and one in Hartford and hope he's flying into one of those places :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Erick's New Address

Private Lohse, Frederick-8114
A Co SOI ITB Building G-551
PSC Box 20161
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542