Tuesday, May 23, 2006

More Pics have been posted 5.23.06

These were recently added to the Charlie Company Site.
Mom has received a few emails from Erick. He sounds good. Seems to be up to the same stuff, patrolling a lot. A kid in his unit was shot in the head, but fortunately had his kevlar helmet on and was fine, just had a tiny nick that did not even need stitches. Pretty amazing!

and I thought NYC rats were big... G-ROSS!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

More Pics

I think this one is so cute. Erick probably won't though. It was one of the webshots ones. I think it was taken at 29 Palms. Katie said it reminds her of when John fell asleep on a guys shoulder on the airplane and we always say "Remember that time..." and laugh for ages. Now we can add, "Remember that time Erick fell asleep on the guys shoulder in the transport vehicle." hee hee hee

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I GOT A LETTER!!! and more pics

Is it just me or does that kid have a Calvin KLNIE shirt on?? I haven't heard of him...

Kara's Boyfriend, Alex, found a webshots page from when Erick was at 29 Palms and there was a pic. of Erick on it. Good find A-lex!

SO, my letter brought the HUGEST smile to my face when I got home last night. It was pretty funny. Even in Iraq Erick has a good sense of humor. He told me that day to day is either very exciting or very boring. They either guard the base where they are stationed or go out on raids. He wrote about one night that they went into a house in the middle of the night and surprised and captured 2 Al Queda "guys" (he used a slightly different noun, but this is a family friendly site). He said that was very exciting, I think he might have even used the word "fun".

At the end of the letter he asked that I say "HI!" to everyone on the site and "Thanks for everything!"