Mom etc. received 2 letters in Friday's mail and I received 1! I will write out my letter. He sounds good. We all cannot wait to see him on October 6th!
Hey Kelly, I hope that you're doing well, from your letters that seems to be the case. I love getting th eletters from you and hearing about all sorts of stuff you have to say. The one letter about all the food Lima made made me so damn hungry (I - Kelly - went to a friends house for dinner and she STUFFED me) What i would do for all that food, you have no idea. It sounds like your job is a ton of work, but you work with good people.
As for Parris Island it's still pretty gay, getting better though. Last week we had the rifle range which was awesome. 7 times out of 10 I hit the target in the head from 500 yards and never knew that was possible. It was a lot of fun, but also a ton of work. This week coming up is team week which should be a pretty good time cutting grass and what not, it will be nice to take a few days off from training.
Yesterday (Saturday) we went to the Parris Island museum and saw a ton of cool and old stuff about the Marine Corps. There was also a little movie clip section we weren't supposed to go in but me and my buddy went in anyway and watching TV was like amazing. I miss TV so much.
To answer a few questions you have. I made CWS 2 (this is a swimming qualification) which was hard as hell and I never want to do it again. The squadbay is actually airconditioned but almost everyday it's "broken" so it's like never on. The foods not bad 3 meals a day like 3 minutes to eat it so you're constantly hungry. Our beverage is always water that is warm and tastes like piss yet for some reason or another it's still refreshing. We got our pictures taken and I put on my "mean" face, but not to worry it was a good mean face (I hope)I haven't seen them yet. We gave Parris Island the nicname The Rock because there's one way on and one way off, but it's almost over. If only I joined another branch I'd be done with this sh*t except coast guard, I think that's like 10 weeks? Not sure, but I'm glad I didn't and I'm glad I'm at Parris Island busting my ass day in and day out.
Hey I gotta get going, almost time for church but I miss you and love getting your letters with stories about fat African ladies and thinking they smell when it's actually your food. I love em. All righty back to work I go. Love You Kelly, Erick