Mom Got a Letter Dated Aug. 21st
Summarized below
It's Sunday morning and there's not too much going on, it's free time and a lot of the guys are at church or outside. I didn't go to church today b/c we had a "Tornado" yesterday and I have to organize my stuff. A Tornado is when your foot locker gets dumped and all your stuff gets skattered all over the place with everyone else's stuff. Tornadoes are one of the worst things about boot camp. I quickly grab up my letters and stick them in my pants and my address book and put it in my pocket b/c those are the most important things to me.
We're now at the rifle range and will be here for the next 4 weeks. We humped here 6 miles, it's not a long hike but we had to carry all of our gear on our backs. By the time we got here I was so sweaty it looked like I had jumped in a pool, I was soaked.
We are now in phase 2 and we got desert cammies (sp?) w/ USMC and our last name on them which was motivating.Now that we are in this phase everything has to be perfect even more so than before.
We just finished grass week which means we sit in the shooting position for hours for practice and to train our muscles.
The other day I guess I did something wrong and the DI kicked my ass physically and kept yelling at me to say "I quit". It is all mental, he kept pushing harder and harder and yelling at me, but I made it through and didn't give in.
Miss you all and think about you all. Love, Erick
Feel free to email me if you have any questions, comments, complaints about Geeps etc.